Has the office become the new coffee shop?

Has the office become the new coffee shop?

Survey results, from the Office Coffee Company, show that the office could soon become the new coffee shop

The lure of the coffee shop to pick up a cup of freshly ground and roasted coffee is losing its appeal as more offices endeavour to make hot beverage a perk in the workplace. Survey results, from the Office Coffee Company, show that the office could soon become the new coffee shop, with delicious, rich coffee available at just a push of the button without even having to step outside.

While the stereotype might suggest that Brits drink strong tea, the UK’s coffee addiction has been growing, with 70 million cups being consumed every year. However, it’s not the instant coffee you pick up at the supermarket that’s made the drink so popular, we’ve become a nation of coffee geeks that love the artisan vibe and readily reach for a cappuccino or latte. You only have to glance down the local high street to see how the coffee culture has grown and become part of daily routine for many people.

But the coffee shop could soon be hit as employers step up their game.

According the results of the survey, more than half of employees now have access to a machine to serve up their own fresh coffee. And of those that don’t, over 90% say they think their colleagues would enjoy the use of one if it was provided. The increasing number of coffee machines readily accessible in the office means workers are less likely to head out to get their caffeine fix, instead simply choosing to head to the staff room to grab a cup of fresh coffee.

While the trends in previous years has led to the coffee shop being dubbed the new office and the place to head to for client meetings, discussing new ideas, and getting together with team members, the survey findings suggest a reversal. Instead, the workplace could become the new coffee shop, with employees able to use the space as a social hub where they can relax on a break, favourite drink in hand.

Has the office become the new coffee shop inforgraphic

Of course, the ability to have a drink without leaving the office isn’t the only reason for the rise in people shunning the coffee shop, price plays a role too. High street chains have sprung up on every high street across the country and the price of a daily cappuccino can quickly mount up. Having a coffee machine to use within the office is certainly a perk that employees appreciate.

However, there is still room for employees to improve their offering. Some 28% of employees revealed they aren’t happy with their workplace’s provision of drinks, indicating that with some small adjustments employers can boost morale. For employers that want to deliver, coffee is the way to go, being the preferred hot drink option of two thirds of survey participants, beating out the previous staple of tea.

Among the favourite hot drinks to have while completing work tasks are cappuccinos, lattes, and the classic americano coffee, highlighting the demand for continental style beverages and variety. With the ability to provide so much choice through a single machine, employers have the power to bring their staff members with their favoured drinks right into the office environment without having to make huge investments.

The Office Coffee Company’s survey has been conducted to coincide with UK Coffee Week, a nationwide fundraising event that brings together coffee operators, trade professionals, and coffee lovers to celebrate British coffee culture while doing good. Through getting involved, organisations and individuals have the ability to support the communities that grow our much-loved coffee beans through supporting clean water and sanitation projects.

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