Stop and read this before you buy or lease your coffee machine

Stop and read this before you buy or lease your coffee machine

Why choose to buy your next coffee machine when you can hire for less and enjoy full service support? We take a look at the options.

The coffee shop revolution is well and truly here! What happens in the high street is filtering through to to the offices we work in. Gone are they days of the kettle and some cheap instant coffee - the office coffee machine is here!

It is at this point where I see many businesses making a costly mistake. In the early days of starting the business I remember being astonished by businesses who spent huge amounts on coffee machines in the hope that this was the answer.

We know there is a lot more involved in the process not withstanding an in-depth understanding of espresso, knowledge of the coffee machine to coax the best from your your coffee beans. More often than not big expensive coffee machines that were purchased outright lay redundant gathering dust with office managers put off by high maintenance costs. So whats going on? Lets take a look at the traditional ways of sourcing a coffee machine and understand the pros and cons:

1.    Outright Purchase - buying your coffee machine,  payment is in one lump sum and you become the sole owner of the equipment. It can cost less in the long-term, but if your requirements change and you need a new machine, you will have to pay out again.

2.    Leasing - a popular way of funding business coffee machines. Provided by banks and leasing companies, the capital is broken down into instalments. You can choose to lease hire a machine and give it back after an agreed term, possibly for an upgrade. With leasing there is no room for payment negotiation if things go wrong with your coffee machine, as banks and leasing companies are only interested in collecting the money owed.

3.    Rental or hire - not widely available but coffee machine rental can be the easiest and most cost effective way of funding your coffee machine. The advantage of renting your machine directly from a coffee provider means that they will look after the service and maintenance along with refreshment supplies on your behalf. It also means you can bypass the need for external finance and leasing companies and grab a more competitive deal.

To ensure you make the right choice for your business we are here to help. The Office Coffee Company works putting the coffee first, with a focus on incredible coffee partnered with straightforward and cost effective coffee machine rental and hire plans to get you going.

Contact us for a bespoke proposal for your business.

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